Thursday, October 17, 2019

KNES - Fitness for Living Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

KNES - Fitness for Living - Essay Example Autologous blood doping is a process in which the blood of the athlete is drawn sometime back before the competition. The plasma and hemoglobin are then separated so that the plasma is injected into the athlete. The hemoglobin from the athlete is preserved for later use. After a span of two months the body naturally builds up the hemoglobin which was drawn from the body and it is just before the competition that the preserved hemoglobin is injected back into the athlete. Homologous blood doping is a process in which the hemoglobin of a donor is injected into the athlete. This type of doping carries more risks of transmitting diseases than the autologous blood doping. Erythropoietin is a hormone produced by kidney and liver which helps in increasing the production of red blood cells in the body. Synthetic erythropoietin is given in one form of blood doping which helps to increase the number of red blood cells in the body. Blood doping is known to have its own advantages and disadvanta ges. Research shows that athletes who perform blood doping have an increased aerobic capacity which helps them to use their muscles more. They also have a decreased heart rate for exercises which require strenuous work.

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